Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation (BONDHU) is a non-political, non-profit, non-government voluntary and social organization established in 2015.
The vision of the Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation (BONDHU) is to contribute toward the environment-friendly and humane development of Bangladesh.
The mission of the Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation (BONDHU) is to undertake activities -to replace traditional stoves with Bondhu Chula in all the households of Bangladesh. -to disseminate renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies. -to protect the environment. -to mitigate and adapt to climate change. -to empower women and underprivileged people. -to foster human values.
We, the Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation (BONDHU), also abbreviated as the BBF, is a team-oriented organization with a friendly working environment. Advisors, the board members, and all the staff of this organization work together to achieve the desired goals. The executive board leads all the activities while the advisory board provides their worthiest suggestions. BONDHU wants to ensure that every employee of this organization works as a team player. Focused on our vision; we always endeavor to work with people from all walks of life to mitigate the harmful effects of climate change on our lives and to meet environmental sustainability goals. Carbon emission reduction is our primary focal point. All the projects undertaken by the organization are designed to tackle environmental challenges. Apart from striving to mitigate the adverse effect of climate change, we are committed to working on alleviating gender discrimination, empowering women, fostering ethnic customs and cultures, and achieving sustainable development goals.
In December 2005 GIZ started the promotion of improved cookstoves (ICS) of clay developed by IFRD of BCSIR. The major focus of the GIZ intervention was on the establishment of a self-sustaining supply chain for stoves; this included massive training of stove builders (more than 10,000 persons were trained). Dissemination of the improved stove was quite rapid but monitoring showed that the quality of the stoves was not always according to design. In 2010 to overcome the quality problem GIZ introduced concrete as the material for manufacturing ICS. This allowed mass production and significantly better adherence to quality standards. Now GIZ supported all stoves made by its partners with concrete. In 2012-2014 to expedite the penetration of Bondhu Chula, BCCT and GIZ undertook the joint project "Market Development Initiative for Bondhu Chula." The aim of the project was to create 5000 entrepreneurs, who will produce, sell and install Bondhu Chula as a part of their business. The project was successfully implemented jointly by DoE and GIZ and completed on 31 March 2014. After establishing BONDHU, BCCT approved the second phase of the project ‘Market Development Initiative for Bondhu Chula’. Under this new phase, 400,000 Bondhu Chulas were supposed to be installed in the period 01 July 2015-31 December 2016. This project was also implemented jointly by DoE and GIZ (through BONDHU). Now Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation (BONDHU) is implementing the Bondhu Chula Project by the entrepreneurs supported by the Republic of Korea all over the country. The local Government is directly cooperating in implementing the project.
Reach out us if you are committed to working for climate action and intend to bring a positive change in the environment of Bangladesh through mitigation and adaptation to climate change and want to fight environmental degradation together.