BONDHU inaugurated its New 10-Storey Building at Basila, Mohammadpur - Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation (BONDHU)

BONDHU inaugurated its New 10-Storey Building at Basila, Mohammadpur

On the auspicious day of November 17, 2022, the Bangladesh Bondhu Foundation (BONDHU) inaugurated its new 10-storey permanent building located at Basila, Mohammadpur, Dhaka. The inauguration event was graced by the presence of Dr. Engr. Khalequzzaman, the Program Manager of BONDHU, accompanied by distinguished officials from the BONDHU's head office.

Dr. Engr. Khalequzzaman, together with his mother and other attendees, participated in the foundation-laying ceremony. To mark the day, confections were shared amongst the staff of the BONDHU's head office.

The construction of this office block is anticipated to conclude within the coming year.

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